October 16, 2019
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Attention crewmembers, the Ilion A.I. is seeking passionate individuals to help realize the next full-length BROS rock opera, Space Kümité! We've got a number of departments that are hungry for volunteers of all skill levels and time commitments, including:

Set builds (carpentry, painting, general cool power tools)

Costumes (sewing, stitching, bedazzling, etc.)

Movement (fight choreo)

Special projects (project based, varying)

Front of House (decorating, audience corraling, etc.)

Load-in (lifting and moving)

If you're interested in volunteering for any of these departments, please submit your information through the link below and we'll be in touch ASAP. All volunteers are entitled to perks such as a year of BROS Rock Operative Membership and a free ticket to the show!

Become a BROS volunteer here!