February 10, 2013
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Our spring production of MURDERCASTLE is officially underway! We kicked off with an ALL-CALL VOLUNTEER MEETING that had over 70 amazing people from Baltimore and beyond come to our new HQ and see what was in store for them!

Are you someone who wants to support us in our mission to bring the most epic, face-melting, boundary-breaking rock operas to Baltimore, but don't have time to join us in the trenches? It's cool, we still want your support – we still NEED your support!

We will be constantly updating this page with wishlists from ALL our departments. MURDERCASTLE will be the BIGGEST, and MOST DIFFICULT PRODUCTION we have ever attempted (so far) and we need your help! Any support, be it items, building materials, costumes, pizza, or beer – WE NEED IT. Thank you for your help, and make sure to check in with us on Facebook and Twitter for more up-to-the-moment updates!