The Terrible Secret of Lunastus is a zany comedy-action romp through the outers of space. It pays homage to our favorite science fiction serial TV shows while creating a bizarre new world with its own mythology. The Moon is falling from orbit, and on the eve of the Earth’s destruction four astronauts, accompanied by their stupid robot, Android, depart for the planet Lunastus to assess its suitability as a new home for the human race. The creatures they discover there will make them question their free will...and fear for their lives.
Show dates are September 15 through October 8, 2017 at the Zion Lutheran Church in downtown Baltimore. The Terrible Secret of Lunastus is the 3rd original production written and produced by the Baltimore Rock Opera Society. It was first produced in 2011 as the second half of The BROS Double Feature and this year we are taking it back off the shelf, cleaning it up, and telling an updated story.
We're looking for set builders, costume makers, laser lovers, prop scavengers, set painters and MORE! This is going to be a SUPER EXCITING venture for BROS, and our one and ONLY production of 2017, so come on out and hang with your favorite rock opera society! To join us, sign up on our website or email our Volunteer Coordinator Kristina Green.